Facebook Page
We now have a Facebook page to post and showcase your pictures of good times, things enjoyed, things achieved during our classes and events. Submit your photos or stories to Secretary or Course Coordinator. You can view the page by clicking on the button below.
Privacy Policy
U3A Lower North Inc holds information provided by members on their enrolment forms on a database for administration and statistical purposes, and is committed to using that information responsibly and confidentially. We use this information internally and share it with other people or organisations who need to know it as part of working with us in our normal activities. We do not share your personal information with others except under these conditions, and we do not disclose your personal information for use in mailing lists or databases.
Photography and Publicity
Any photographs taken at U3A events may be used for publicity purposes. If you do not wish your image to be used, please advise the photographer not to include you and, if possible, move to the sidelines to allow photography of the rest of the group. Failure to do this and notify the secretary in advance of your wishes, implies tacit approval of our policy and your inclusion.
Medical Emergency
If anyone collapses at a U3A Lower North event, it is our policy to call an ambulance. Members are advised to ensure they have adequate Ambulance Insurance to cover any call-out costs. (The reverse of the member's name tag will be checked for any instructions on pre-existing medical conditions and contact numbers to phone.)
Name Tags
Members are asked to always wear their name tags. It is friendly, making it easier for visitors, new members and forgetful members.
Name tags can also prove invaluable in emergencies. On the reverse please write your ICE (In Case of Emergency) phone number. That is, a family member or friend who should be notified if anything happens to you. Any pre-existing medical conditions which may be relevant can also be listed on the back of the tag.
We issue conference-style name tags free of charge but attractive hard plastic name tags are now available with an option of magnetic or pin backing at a cost of $12. Members report these are more convenient to wear and easily carried in pockets or handbags so less likely to be left home. Please note magnetic backings are not suitable for anyone with a heart pacemaker. Order from secretary. Because of exorbitant fees for small orders, they will probably be printed only once a year so make sure your name is on the waiting list.
Preferred logos in various formats (to suit different applications: online, professional printers, etc.) as prepared professionally in 2015 should be in Secretary's keeping.
Links to other U3A websites
U3A Online www.u3aonline.org.au. This website has a 'Locate a U3A' feature which will find your nearest U3A Australia-wide.
U3A Lower North is a member of the State network: U3A South Australia u3asouthaustralia.org.au
South Australia is a member of the National network: U3A Australia u3aaa.org